在教育环境中进行随机实验提出了一个问题,即我们如何使用机器学习技术来改善教育干预措施。使用自适应实验中的汤普森采样(TS)(TS)等多臂匪徒(MAB)算法,即使在干预完成之前,也可以通过增加对最佳状态(ARM)的分配可能性来获得更好的结果的机会。这是比传统的A/B测试的优势,该测试可能会分配相等数量的学生为最佳和非最佳条件。问题是勘探探索权衡取舍。尽管自适应政策旨在收集足够的信息来分配更多的学生以可靠地提供更好的武器,但过去的工作表明,这可能还不够探索,无法就武器是否有所不同,得出可靠的结论。因此,在整个实验中提供额外的均匀随机(UR)探索是很有趣的。本文展示了一个真实的自适应实验,该实验是关于学生如何与教师每周的电子邮件提醒互动以建立时间管理习惯的。我们感兴趣的指标是打开电子邮件率,它跟踪由不同主题行的武器。这些是按照不同的分配算法传递的:ur,ts和我们确定为ts {\ dag} - 结合了TS和UR奖励以更新其先验者。我们强调了这些自适应算法的问题 - 在没有显着差异时可能会剥削手臂 - 并解决它们的原因和后果。未来的方向包括研究最佳臂的早期选择不是理想的情况以及自适应算法如何解决它们的情况。
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像汤普森采样等多武装强盗算法可用于进行自适应实验,其中最大化奖励意味着数据用于逐步为更多参与者分配更有效的武器。这些转让策略增加了统计假设试验的风险,鉴定武器之间的差异,当没有一个时,并且在真正是一个是一个时,武器的差异存在差异。我们为2臂实验仿真,探讨了两种算法,这些算法结合了统计分析的均匀随机化的益处,具有通过Thompson采样(TS)实现的奖励最大化的益处。首先,前两种汤普森采样增加了固定量的均匀随机分配(UR)随时间均匀传播。二,一种新的启发式算法,称为TS Postdiff(差异后概率)。 Ts Postdiff采用贝叶斯方法来混合TS和UR:使用UR分配分配参与者的概率是后部概率,即两个臂之间的差异是“小”(低于某个阈值),允许在存在时探索更多的探索很少或没有奖励获得。我们发现TS PostDiff方法跨多种效果大小进行良好,因此不需要根据真实效果大小的猜测进行调整。
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As various city agencies and mobility operators navigate toward innovative mobility solutions, there is a need for strategic flexibility in well-timed investment decisions in the design and timing of mobility service regions, i.e. cast as "real options" (RO). This problem becomes increasingly challenging with multiple interacting RO in such investments. We propose a scalable machine learning based RO framework for multi-period sequential service region design & timing problem for mobility-on-demand services, framed as a Markov decision process with non-stationary stochastic variables. A value function approximation policy from literature uses multi-option least squares Monte Carlo simulation to get a policy value for a set of interdependent investment decisions as deferral options (CR policy). The goal is to determine the optimal selection and timing of a set of zones to include in a service region. However, prior work required explicit enumeration of all possible sequences of investments. To address the combinatorial complexity of such enumeration, we propose a new variant "deep" RO policy using an efficient recurrent neural network (RNN) based ML method (CR-RNN policy) to sample sequences to forego the need for enumeration, making network design & timing policy tractable for large scale implementation. Experiments on multiple service region scenarios in New York City (NYC) shows the proposed policy substantially reduces the overall computational cost (time reduction for RO evaluation of > 90% of total investment sequences is achieved), with zero to near-zero gap compared to the benchmark. A case study of sequential service region design for expansion of MoD services in Brooklyn, NYC show that using the CR-RNN policy to determine optimal RO investment strategy yields a similar performance (0.5% within CR policy value) with significantly reduced computation time (about 5.4 times faster).
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We propose an approach for semantic imitation, which uses demonstrations from a source domain, e.g. human videos, to accelerate reinforcement learning (RL) in a different target domain, e.g. a robotic manipulator in a simulated kitchen. Instead of imitating low-level actions like joint velocities, our approach imitates the sequence of demonstrated semantic skills like "opening the microwave" or "turning on the stove". This allows us to transfer demonstrations across environments (e.g. real-world to simulated kitchen) and agent embodiments (e.g. bimanual human demonstration to robotic arm). We evaluate on three challenging cross-domain learning problems and match the performance of demonstration-accelerated RL approaches that require in-domain demonstrations. In a simulated kitchen environment, our approach learns long-horizon robot manipulation tasks, using less than 3 minutes of human video demonstrations from a real-world kitchen. This enables scaling robot learning via the reuse of demonstrations, e.g. collected as human videos, for learning in any number of target domains.
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By transferring knowledge from large, diverse, task-agnostic datasets, modern machine learning models can solve specific downstream tasks either zero-shot or with small task-specific datasets to a high level of performance. While this capability has been demonstrated in other fields such as computer vision, natural language processing or speech recognition, it remains to be shown in robotics, where the generalization capabilities of the models are particularly critical due to the difficulty of collecting real-world robotic data. We argue that one of the keys to the success of such general robotic models lies with open-ended task-agnostic training, combined with high-capacity architectures that can absorb all of the diverse, robotic data. In this paper, we present a model class, dubbed Robotics Transformer, that exhibits promising scalable model properties. We verify our conclusions in a study of different model classes and their ability to generalize as a function of the data size, model size, and data diversity based on a large-scale data collection on real robots performing real-world tasks. The project's website and videos can be found at robotics-transformer.github.io
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Large-scale data is an essential component of machine learning as demonstrated in recent advances in natural language processing and computer vision research. However, collecting large-scale robotic data is much more expensive and slower as each operator can control only a single robot at a time. To make this costly data collection process efficient and scalable, we propose Policy Assisted TeleOperation (PATO), a system which automates part of the demonstration collection process using a learned assistive policy. PATO autonomously executes repetitive behaviors in data collection and asks for human input only when it is uncertain about which subtask or behavior to execute. We conduct teleoperation user studies both with a real robot and a simulated robot fleet and demonstrate that our assisted teleoperation system reduces human operators' mental load while improving data collection efficiency. Further, it enables a single operator to control multiple robots in parallel, which is a first step towards scalable robotic data collection. For code and video results, see https://clvrai.com/pato
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Large language models (LLMs) have been shown to be able to perform new tasks based on a few demonstrations or natural language instructions. While these capabilities have led to widespread adoption, most LLMs are developed by resource-rich organizations and are frequently kept from the public. As a step towards democratizing this powerful technology, we present BLOOM, a 176B-parameter open-access language model designed and built thanks to a collaboration of hundreds of researchers. BLOOM is a decoder-only Transformer language model that was trained on the ROOTS corpus, a dataset comprising hundreds of sources in 46 natural and 13 programming languages (59 in total). We find that BLOOM achieves competitive performance on a wide variety of benchmarks, with stronger results after undergoing multitask prompted finetuning. To facilitate future research and applications using LLMs, we publicly release our models and code under the Responsible AI License.
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通用数据模型解决了标准化电子健康记录(EHR)数据的许多挑战,但无法将其集成深度表型所需的资源。开放的生物学和生物医学本体论(OBO)铸造本体论提供了可用于生物学知识的语义计算表示,并能够整合多种生物医学数据。但是,将EHR数据映射到OBO Foundry本体论需要大量的手动策展和域专业知识。我们介绍了一个框架,用于将观察性医学成果合作伙伴关系(OMOP)标准词汇介绍给OBO铸造本体。使用此框架,我们制作了92,367条条件,8,615种药物成分和10,673个测量结果的映射。域专家验证了映射准确性,并且在24家医院进行检查时,映射覆盖了99%的条件和药物成分和68%的测量结果。最后,我们证明OMOP2OBO映射可以帮助系统地识别可能受益于基因检测的未诊断罕见病患者。
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ICECUBE是一种用于检测1 GEV和1 PEV之间大气和天体中微子的光学传感器的立方公斤阵列,该阵列已部署1.45 km至2.45 km的南极的冰盖表面以下1.45 km至2.45 km。来自ICE探测器的事件的分类和重建在ICeCube数据分析中起着核心作用。重建和分类事件是一个挑战,这是由于探测器的几何形状,不均匀的散射和冰中光的吸收,并且低于100 GEV的光,每个事件产生的信号光子数量相对较少。为了应对这一挑战,可以将ICECUBE事件表示为点云图形,并将图形神经网络(GNN)作为分类和重建方法。 GNN能够将中微子事件与宇宙射线背景区分开,对不同的中微子事件类型进行分类,并重建沉积的能量,方向和相互作用顶点。基于仿真,我们提供了1-100 GEV能量范围的比较与当前ICECUBE分析中使用的当前最新最大似然技术,包括已知系统不确定性的影响。对于中微子事件分类,与当前的IceCube方法相比,GNN以固定的假阳性速率(FPR)提高了信号效率的18%。另外,GNN在固定信号效率下将FPR的降低超过8(低于半百分比)。对于能源,方向和相互作用顶点的重建,与当前最大似然技术相比,分辨率平均提高了13%-20%。当在GPU上运行时,GNN能够以几乎是2.7 kHz的中位数ICECUBE触发速率的速率处理ICECUBE事件,这打开了在在线搜索瞬态事件中使用低能量中微子的可能性。
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目的:本研究评估了市售可解释的AI算法在增强临床医生在胸部X射线(CXR)上鉴定肺癌的能力的影响。设计:这项回顾性研究评估了11位临床医生在胸部X光片中检测肺癌的表现,并在有和没有市售的AI算法的帮助下(红点,观察到),预测CXRS可疑的肺癌。根据临床确定的诊断评估了临床医生的表现。设置:该研究分析了NHS医院的匿名患者数据;该数据集由成年患者(18岁及以上)的400张胸部X光片组成,他们在2020年进行了CXR,并提供相应的临床文本报告。参与者:由11位临床医生(放射科医生,放射科医生受训者和报告射线照相师)组成的读者小组参加。主要结果指标:临床医生在CXR上检测肺癌的总体准确性,敏感性,特异性和精度,有或没有AI输入。还评估了有或没有AI输入的临床医生与绩效标准偏差之间的协议率。结果:临床医生对AI算法的使用导致肺部肿瘤检测的总体性能提高,从而达到了在CXR上鉴定出的肺癌的总体增长17.4% ,分别增加了13%和13%的阶段1和2期肺癌的检测,以及临床医生表现的标准化。结论:这项研究在AI算法的临床实用性方面表现出了巨大的希望,可以通过整体改善读者表现来改善早期肺癌诊断和促进健康平等,而不会影响下游成像资源。
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